Saturday, November 9, 2013

first discussion...warning: tear jerker!

Trey had the opportunity to give the first discussion to an investigator the other day, and had a powerful experience. He sent us this story that he wrote in his journal, and has given us permission to share it.
"After breakfast we had to teach our first real investigator. His name is Christian. He is in his early 30's and has a wife. They had a son, but he was hit by a car and killed at 3 years old, last year. Christian was very bitter towards the Lord because of that experience. He has a condition where his mind tells him what to say but he has a very hard time physically saying the words, so he stutters and draws out most of his words. I immediately felt a love for him as I would with a brother. Through our testimonies to him, we were able to get him to pray with us. In his prayer, one of the things he said was, 'God...if you're really there, then you know that there's nothing I wouldn't do to be with my son again.' How sweet these words rang in the air. I then simply asked him, 'Christian...if you are willing to do anything to see Alex again...then will you follow the example of Jesus Christ and be baptized by someone holding the Priesthood authority of God?' He gave me a blank stare, and with tears beginning to run down his face, he said, 'If it means that I get to see my boy again, then yes Elder Brimhall, I will.' First lesson with this loving yet lost son of our Heavenly Father, and he committed to be baptized. The church is true. I know it without a shadow of a doubt. That feeling...was pure happiness for me. I can't wait to experience that again."
We are so grateful that our sweet boy is beginning to see people in a different sons and daughters of a loving Heavenly Father, who wants ALL of us to be able to know him personally. We so easily take for granted the knowledge that we have of the amazing plan of salvation, and can forget that there many who are unaware, and seeking for that kind of comfort in their lives. What a wonderful blessing these mighty missionaries are to the world! :) 

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